Welcome to consult us if you have any questions before order. Far Sports25mm Ultralite 810g tubular wheelset with Extralite hub+Sapim Super spoke! 23mm 25mm width tubular carbon wheel Model:FSD25T-23UL 25Tx23mmcarbon tubular wheels, 2018 Ultralite road wheels(FSD25T-23UL) Rim Material 100% Toray Carbon Fiber Size 700C Road Rim 25mm tubularrim (20/24H,UDmatt) Rim Width 23mm aero Rim Hole front 20H, rear 24H Hub Extralite straight pull hub, black. Cassette body Shima 8/9/10/11Sp Spokes Sapim Super,black(3.1g/pc) Nipple Sapim SILS,black Nipple type Internal nipple Weight 810+/-30g Spoke Pattern Front Radial (spoke tension-- 90kfg) Spoke Pattern Non-Drive Rear Radial (spoke tension-- 85kfg) Spoke Pattern Drive Rear 2 X Cross (spoke tension-- 135kfg) Spoke Nipples Alloy Braking Surface High TG braking surface Accessories included 1pairskewers(black) + 1 setbrake pads(Grey) Roundness Alignment<=0.5mm Offset:<=0.2mm Vertical Alignment <=0.3mm Center Alignment <=0.5mm Max recommended rider weight 90kgs Warranty 18 months When you order, just leave below message for us if you prefer other spec. Rim finished 3K glossy/mattt, UD matt/glossy Cassette body Shima 8,9,10,11Speed, Campy 9,10,11 speed Nipple color red or black Skewer color red or black OtherSpecifications: Roundness:<0 -contact="" -for="" -make="" .2mm="" 10="" 11="" 12="" 130psi="" 13="" 140psi="" 14="" 15="" 16="" 17="" 18="" 1="" 2="" 3="" 4="" 5-7="" 5="" 65psi="" 6="" 7="" 8="" 90="" 9="" a="" about="" accept="" accepted="" accessoires.="" accessories="" accidents="" advance.="" advance="" advanced="" after="" alipay="" all="" alt="Flash Deal Far Sports 25mm Ultralite 810g tubular wheelset with Extralite hub+Sapim Super spoke! 23mm 25mm width tubular carbon wheel 0" an="" and="" anodizing="" any="" anything="" appearance="" applicable="" are="" arrives="" as="" asap="" assembly="" avoid="" bag="" bar.="" bar="" be="" bearings="" been="" before="" belgium="" best="" bicycle="" brake="" bubbles="" built="" buy="" buyer="" by="" can="" carbon="" carefully="" carton="" caused="" change="" charge="" check="" choosing="" class="img-fluid" clean="" clients="" clincher="" compatible="" components="" confidence="" confirmation.="" consequential="" contact="" cosmetic="" cost="" could="" countries="" courier.="" cover="" crashes="" customized="" cyclocross="" damage="" damaged.="" damaged="" damages="" date="" days="" decals="" defective="" defects="" deterioration="" dhl="" disaster="" do="" does="" effect="" ems="" escrow="" etc="" european="" exceed="" exceeding="" exporting="" farsports="" fedex="" ffset:="" find="" finish="" finishes="" follow-up="" follow="" following="" for="" forwarder="" found="" free="" from="" full="" function="" good="" goods="" guidelines="" hand="" has="" have="" high="" if="" im="" img="" immediately="" improper="" in="" incidental="" indicated.="" inflation="" inside.="" installation="" instructions="" intended="" is="" it="" items="" jumping="" kgf="" labor="" laced.="" lbs.="" lead-time="" limitations:="" ll="" made="" maintenance="" maximum="" maxrecommendedriderweight:80kgs="" maxtension:="" meet="" missing="" misuse="" mm="" modification="" months.="" months="" more="" mtb:="" must="" natural="" need="" netherlands="" no="" non-refundable="" non-transferable="" normal="" normally="" not="" notification="" numbers="" of="" off-road="" on="" once="" only.="" only="" or="" order.="" order="" orders="" original="" originally="" other="" our="" own="" package="" pads="" paid="" part="" parts="" pay="" payin="" payment="" paypal.="" pease="" photos="" pictures="" placing="" please="" poke="" policy:="" policy="" pressure:maxpressure="" pressure="" problem.="" process="" product="" products="" promise="" promptly="" protected="" provided="" psi="" purchase="" purchaser="" quality="" quantity.="" re="" real="" recommend="" recommended.="" refund.="" refund="" refundable.="" repair="" replace="" replaceable="" replacement.="" replacement="" return.="" return="" riding="" rim="" rims="" road:="" sake="" satisfied="" security="" sell="" sent.="" ship="" shipment.="" shipped="" shipping.="" shipping="" sign="" skewers="" so="" sold="" some="" spoke="" spokes="" src="https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1VyoHupmWBuNjSspdq6zugXXaX.jpg" standard="" store="" strict="" sure="" surface="" take="" taken="" tape="" tear="" technician.="" test="" thank="" that="" the="" these="" this="" tire="" title="Flash Deal Far Sports 25mm Ultralite 810g tubular wheelset with Extralite hub+Sapim Super spoke! 23mm 25mm width tubular carbon wheel 0" tnt="" to="" tracking="" treatments="" trick="" try="" ubular="" unauthorized="" under="" union="" upon="" us="" use="" valid="" via="" void.="" void="" want="" warning:if="" warranty:="" warranty="" was="" ways="" we="" wear="" well="" western="" wheels.="" wheels="" wheelset="" when="" where="" which="" whtin="" will="" with="" within="" without="" working="" workshop="" you="" your="">0>
Minggu, 09 Februari 2020
Far Sports 25mm Ultralite 810g tubular wheelset with Extralite hub+Sapim Super spoke! 23mm 25mm width tubular carbon wheel
For HP PAVILION 17-G Laptop motherbard 809322-001 MOTHERBOARD DSC 940M 2GB i7-5500U f/FHD DAX12AMB6D0
JOUTNDLN FOR HP 850 G2 laptop motherboard 796890-001 I7-5500U 6050A2637901-MB ddr3
For MSI GT70 GT783 GT780 MS-17631 laptop Motherboard MS 17631 Non-integrated graphics card 100% Test OK
For HP ENVY NOTEBOOK 17-N178CA Laptop Motherboard 829066-601 ASW72 LA-C991P MOTHERBOARD DSC 950M 4GB i7 6700HQ
For HP 15-AB 837744-601 I7-5500U Laptop Motherboard DAX12MBX1AD0 100% fully tested
yourui For Motherboard For Dell Inspiron 5578 5378 5368 CN-0PJDNR 0PJDNR PJDNR With SR2EZ CPU I7-6500U 100% full test
Laptop Motherboard 5B20L82919 FOR Lenovo For IdeaPad 110-15ISK LA-D562P Motherboard i5-6200U CPU 100% Test OK
FOR DELL for Inspiron 15 5000 Series 5548 Laptop motherboard MMKVJ LA-B016P 0MMKVJ CN-0MMKVJ i7-5500U CPU
For Lenovo 46M.03SMB.0013 Laptop Motherboard SR23Y I5-5200U TESTED OK
For HP 840 G3 Laptop motherbard 839869-601 6050A2728501-MB-A01 826805-001 i5-6200U 100% fully
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JOUTNDLN For HP ENVY Notebook 15-ae103TX Laptop motherbard 831879-601 ASW50 LA-C503P I7-6500U CPU DDR3
JOUTNDLN FOR Dell XPS 11 9p33 11.6" Laptop Motherboard 9D0GY 09D0GY CN-09D0GY LA-A161P W/ i5-4210Y CPU 4G RAM
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JOUTNDLN FOR Lenovo Y70-70 Laptop Motherboard 5B20G59919 With i7-4710HQ 2.5GHz CPU GTX 860M ZIVY2 LA-B111P
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JOUTNDLN FOR HP ENVY 15-AE Laptop Motherboard 812710-601 ABW50 LA-C501P REV 1.0 I7-5500U CPU
For HP 15-AS 14-AL 13-U Latop Motherboard 903710-601 100% Test ok No-integrated Motherboard i3-6100U CPU
SHELI FOR Acer Aspire E5-711 E5-711G Laptop Motherboard W/ I7-4510U CPU NBMNW11003 NB.MNW11.003 DA0ZYWMB6E0 DDR3L
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JOUTNDLN FOR Lenovo Y40-80 laptop motherboard 5B20H13365 ZIVY1 LA-B131P SR23W I7-5500U DDR3
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SHELI FOR Lenovo Y40-70 Laptop Motherboard w/ I7-4510U CPU 5B20F78630 LA-B131P R9-275 GPU DDR3L Test 100% good
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JOUTNDLN FOR HP Probook 450 G3 470 G3 laptop motherboard 827025-601 DA0X63MB6H1 SR2EY I5-6200U CPU
SHELI FOR HP ENVY 15-K Laptop Motherboard w/ i7-4510UCPU 766592-501 DAY11AMB6E0 840M GPU DDR3
JOUTNDLN For HP 15-AC Laptop motherbard 828188-001 828188-601 ASL50 LA-C921P R5M330 2GB I7-6500U CPU DDR3
JOUTNDLN FOR DELL INSPIRON 15 3468 3568 Laptop Motherboard DYXNC 0DYXNC CN-0DYXNC i5-7200U CPU DDR3L
JOUTNDLN For HP 15-AY 250 G5 Motherboard 858580-601 BDL50 LA-D704P I5-6200U CPU R5M1-30 2GB DDR4
JOUTNDLN For HP 15-AY Laptop Motherboard 903786-601 CDL50 LA-D707P I7-7500U CPU
JOUTNDLN for Lenovo Y50-70 Y70-70 laptop motherboard 5b20h29171 W/I7-4720HQ CPU AND GTX960M graphics 4G
For acer aspire V3-772G GeForce GTX 850M NBMMB11001 NB.MMB11.001 VA70HW GPU DDR5 100% fully tested
JOUTNDLN for Toshiba Satellite S55t-b S55t-b5158 Series Laptop Motherboard A000302710 DA0BLIMB6F0 w/ I7-5500u cpu
For HP Q178 Laptop motherbard 916789-601 SR2ZU i5-7200U 100% fully tested
FOR HP ProBook 640 G2 Series Motherboard With UMA i5-6200U 840715-601 840716-001 855671-501
For lenovo For ideapad Flex 15 laptop motherboard DA0ST6MB6E0 motherboard SR16Z i7-4500U nvidia GT720M graphics Mainboard
Brand Name
Spoke Hole
3K / UD matt
Applicable Bicycle
Road Bicycles
Wheel Material
Model Number
Braking System
V Brake
Full carbon fiber
25Tx23mm carbon tubular
Rim holes
front 20H, rear 24H
Extralite Cyber straight pull,black
Free body
Shima 8/9/10/11sp
Sapim Super black
Sapim sils black
Brake surface
High TG
18 months
Welcome to consult us if you have any questions before order. Far Sports25mm Ultralite 810g tubular wheelset with Extralite hub+Sapim Super spoke! 23mm 25mm width tubular carbon wheel Model:FSD25T-23UL 25Tx23mmcarbon tubular wheels, 2018 Ultralite road wheels(FSD25T-23UL) Rim Material 100% Toray Carbon Fiber Size 700C Road Rim 25mm tubularrim (20/24H,UDmatt) Rim Width 23mm aero Rim Hole front 20H, rear 24H Hub Extralite straight pull hub, black. Cassette body Shima 8/9/10/11Sp Spokes Sapim Super,black(3.1g/pc) Nipple Sapim SILS,black Nipple type Internal nipple Weight 810+/-30g Spoke Pattern Front Radial (spoke tension-- 90kfg) Spoke Pattern Non-Drive Rear Radial (spoke tension-- 85kfg) Spoke Pattern Drive Rear 2 X Cross (spoke tension-- 135kfg) Spoke Nipples Alloy Braking Surface High TG braking surface Accessories included 1pairskewers(black) + 1 setbrake pads(Grey) Roundness Alignment<=0.5mm Offset:<=0.2mm Vertical Alignment <=0.3mm Center Alignment <=0.5mm Max recommended rider weight 90kgs Warranty 18 months When you order, just leave below message for us if you prefer other spec. Rim finished 3K glossy/mattt, UD matt/glossy Cassette body Shima 8,9,10,11Speed, Campy 9,10,11 speed Nipple color red or black Skewer color red or black OtherSpecifications: Roundness:<0 -contact="" -for="" -make="" .2mm="" 10="" 11="" 12="" 130psi="" 13="" 140psi="" 14="" 15="" 16="" 17="" 18="" 1="" 2="" 3="" 4="" 5-7="" 5="" 65psi="" 6="" 7="" 8="" 90="" 9="" a="" about="" accept="" accepted="" accessoires.="" accessories="" accidents="" advance.="" advance="" advanced="" after="" alipay="" all="" alt="Flash Deal Far Sports 25mm Ultralite 810g tubular wheelset with Extralite hub+Sapim Super spoke! 23mm 25mm width tubular carbon wheel 0" an="" and="" anodizing="" any="" anything="" appearance="" applicable="" are="" arrives="" as="" asap="" assembly="" avoid="" bag="" bar.="" bar="" be="" bearings="" been="" before="" belgium="" best="" bicycle="" brake="" bubbles="" built="" buy="" buyer="" by="" can="" carbon="" carefully="" carton="" caused="" change="" charge="" check="" choosing="" class="img-fluid" clean="" clients="" clincher="" compatible="" components="" confidence="" confirmation.="" consequential="" contact="" cosmetic="" cost="" could="" countries="" courier.="" cover="" crashes="" customized="" cyclocross="" damage="" damaged.="" damaged="" damages="" date="" days="" decals="" defective="" defects="" deterioration="" dhl="" disaster="" do="" does="" effect="" ems="" escrow="" etc="" european="" exceed="" exceeding="" exporting="" farsports="" fedex="" ffset:="" find="" finish="" finishes="" follow-up="" follow="" following="" for="" forwarder="" found="" free="" from="" full="" function="" good="" goods="" guidelines="" hand="" has="" have="" high="" if="" im="" img="" immediately="" improper="" in="" incidental="" indicated.="" inflation="" inside.="" installation="" instructions="" intended="" is="" it="" items="" jumping="" kgf="" labor="" laced.="" lbs.="" lead-time="" limitations:="" ll="" made="" maintenance="" maximum="" maxrecommendedriderweight:80kgs="" maxtension:="" meet="" missing="" misuse="" mm="" modification="" months.="" months="" more="" mtb:="" must="" natural="" need="" netherlands="" no="" non-refundable="" non-transferable="" normal="" normally="" not="" notification="" numbers="" of="" off-road="" on="" once="" only.="" only="" or="" order.="" order="" orders="" original="" originally="" other="" our="" own="" package="" pads="" paid="" part="" parts="" pay="" payin="" payment="" paypal.="" pease="" photos="" pictures="" placing="" please="" poke="" policy:="" policy="" pressure:maxpressure="" pressure="" problem.="" process="" product="" products="" promise="" promptly="" protected="" provided="" psi="" purchase="" purchaser="" quality="" quantity.="" re="" real="" recommend="" recommended.="" refund.="" refund="" refundable.="" repair="" replace="" replaceable="" replacement.="" replacement="" return.="" return="" riding="" rim="" rims="" road:="" sake="" satisfied="" security="" sell="" sent.="" ship="" shipment.="" shipped="" shipping.="" shipping="" sign="" skewers="" so="" sold="" some="" spoke="" spokes="" src="https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1VyoHupmWBuNjSspdq6zugXXaX.jpg" standard="" store="" strict="" sure="" surface="" take="" taken="" tape="" tear="" technician.="" test="" thank="" that="" the="" these="" this="" tire="" title="Flash Deal Far Sports 25mm Ultralite 810g tubular wheelset with Extralite hub+Sapim Super spoke! 23mm 25mm width tubular carbon wheel 0" tnt="" to="" tracking="" treatments="" trick="" try="" ubular="" unauthorized="" under="" union="" upon="" us="" use="" valid="" via="" void.="" void="" want="" warning:if="" warranty:="" warranty="" was="" ways="" we="" wear="" well="" western="" wheels.="" wheels="" wheelset="" when="" where="" which="" whtin="" will="" with="" within="" without="" working="" workshop="" you="" your="">0>
Welcome to consult us if you have any questions before order. Far Sports25mm Ultralite 810g tubular wheelset with Extralite hub+Sapim Super spoke! 23mm 25mm width tubular carbon wheel Model:FSD25T-23UL 25Tx23mmcarbon tubular wheels, 2018 Ultralite road wheels(FSD25T-23UL) Rim Material 100% Toray Carbon Fiber Size 700C Road Rim 25mm tubularrim (20/24H,UDmatt) Rim Width 23mm aero Rim Hole front 20H, rear 24H Hub Extralite straight pull hub, black. Cassette body Shima 8/9/10/11Sp Spokes Sapim Super,black(3.1g/pc) Nipple Sapim SILS,black Nipple type Internal nipple Weight 810+/-30g Spoke Pattern Front Radial (spoke tension-- 90kfg) Spoke Pattern Non-Drive Rear Radial (spoke tension-- 85kfg) Spoke Pattern Drive Rear 2 X Cross (spoke tension-- 135kfg) Spoke Nipples Alloy Braking Surface High TG braking surface Accessories included 1pairskewers(black) + 1 setbrake pads(Grey) Roundness Alignment<=0.5mm Offset:<=0.2mm Vertical Alignment <=0.3mm Center Alignment <=0.5mm Max recommended rider weight 90kgs Warranty 18 months When you order, just leave below message for us if you prefer other spec. Rim finished 3K glossy/mattt, UD matt/glossy Cassette body Shima 8,9,10,11Speed, Campy 9,10,11 speed Nipple color red or black Skewer color red or black OtherSpecifications: Roundness:<0 -contact="" -for="" -make="" .2mm="" 10="" 11="" 12="" 130psi="" 13="" 140psi="" 14="" 15="" 16="" 17="" 18="" 1="" 2="" 3="" 4="" 5-7="" 5="" 65psi="" 6="" 7="" 8="" 90="" 9="" a="" about="" accept="" accepted="" accessoires.="" accessories="" accidents="" advance.="" advance="" advanced="" after="" alipay="" all="" alt="Flash Deal Far Sports 25mm Ultralite 810g tubular wheelset with Extralite hub+Sapim Super spoke! 23mm 25mm width tubular carbon wheel 0" an="" and="" anodizing="" any="" anything="" appearance="" applicable="" are="" arrives="" as="" asap="" assembly="" avoid="" bag="" bar.="" bar="" be="" bearings="" been="" before="" belgium="" best="" bicycle="" brake="" bubbles="" built="" buy="" buyer="" by="" can="" carbon="" carefully="" carton="" caused="" change="" charge="" check="" choosing="" class="img-fluid" clean="" clients="" clincher="" compatible="" components="" confidence="" confirmation.="" consequential="" contact="" cosmetic="" cost="" could="" countries="" courier.="" cover="" crashes="" customized="" cyclocross="" damage="" damaged.="" damaged="" damages="" date="" days="" decals="" defective="" defects="" deterioration="" dhl="" disaster="" do="" does="" effect="" ems="" escrow="" etc="" european="" exceed="" exceeding="" exporting="" farsports="" fedex="" ffset:="" find="" finish="" finishes="" follow-up="" follow="" following="" for="" forwarder="" found="" free="" from="" full="" function="" good="" goods="" guidelines="" hand="" has="" have="" high="" if="" im="" img="" immediately="" improper="" in="" incidental="" indicated.="" inflation="" inside.="" installation="" instructions="" intended="" is="" it="" items="" jumping="" kgf="" labor="" laced.="" lbs.="" lead-time="" limitations:="" ll="" made="" maintenance="" maximum="" maxrecommendedriderweight:80kgs="" maxtension:="" meet="" missing="" misuse="" mm="" modification="" months.="" months="" more="" mtb:="" must="" natural="" need="" netherlands="" no="" non-refundable="" non-transferable="" normal="" normally="" not="" notification="" numbers="" of="" off-road="" on="" once="" only.="" only="" or="" order.="" order="" orders="" original="" originally="" other="" our="" own="" package="" pads="" paid="" part="" parts="" pay="" payin="" payment="" paypal.="" pease="" photos="" pictures="" placing="" please="" poke="" policy:="" policy="" pressure:maxpressure="" pressure="" problem.="" process="" product="" products="" promise="" promptly="" protected="" provided="" psi="" purchase="" purchaser="" quality="" quantity.="" re="" real="" recommend="" recommended.="" refund.="" refund="" refundable.="" repair="" replace="" replaceable="" replacement.="" replacement="" return.="" return="" riding="" rim="" rims="" road:="" sake="" satisfied="" security="" sell="" sent.="" ship="" shipment.="" shipped="" shipping.="" shipping="" sign="" skewers="" so="" sold="" some="" spoke="" spokes="" src="https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1VyoHupmWBuNjSspdq6zugXXaX.jpg" standard="" store="" strict="" sure="" surface="" take="" taken="" tape="" tear="" technician.="" test="" thank="" that="" the="" these="" this="" tire="" title="Flash Deal Far Sports 25mm Ultralite 810g tubular wheelset with Extralite hub+Sapim Super spoke! 23mm 25mm width tubular carbon wheel 0" tnt="" to="" tracking="" treatments="" trick="" try="" ubular="" unauthorized="" under="" union="" upon="" us="" use="" valid="" via="" void.="" void="" want="" warning:if="" warranty:="" warranty="" was="" ways="" we="" wear="" well="" western="" wheels.="" wheels="" wheelset="" when="" where="" which="" whtin="" will="" with="" within="" without="" working="" workshop="" you="" your="">0>
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