With an integrated speed sensor, this mid-drive motor, which is compatible with standard bikes, has a rated power of 500W, a reduction ratio of 1: 21.9 and a maximum torque of 80 N.m, providing ideal power for vehicles. Light but strong and efficient, this motor greatly enhances riding comfort and is suitable for touring bikes and commuter bikes. SPECIFICATIONS CoreData Function Position MidMotor E-Brake Yes WheelDiameter(Inch) Optional GearsensorFunction Yes Construction Geardrive LightDriveCapacity 6/3(max) RatedVoltage(DCV) 36/48 (DCV/W) n0(Rpm) 120/126 RatedPower(W) 500 FurtherSpecifications nT(Rpm) 113/118 SpeedDetectionSignal 1 MaxTorque 100N.m (Pulses/Cycle) Efficiency(%) ≥80 ReductionRatio 1:21.9 PedalSensor Speed MagnetPoles(2P) 16 ShaftStandard JIS Color Black Tests&Certifications Weight(kg) 4.3 IP IP65 NoiseGrade(dB) <55 -20-45="" 1.bafang="" 15="" 1="" 1pair="" 1pcs="" 1set="" 2.lcd="" 3.brake="" 35mm="" 4.thumb="" 44t="" 46tor="" 5.chain="" 5="" 6.crank="" 68mm="" 7.speed="" 8.1t4="" 850c="" 9.nuts="" 96="" a="" about="" acking="" all="" along="" alt="Clearance 2019 New Bafang Bbs02 Kit Ebike 36v500w 8fun/bafang Motor Bbs02b Crank Eletric Bike Kits electric bike conversion kit 0" and850c="" and="" anything="" are="" around="" arranty="" as="" base="" bbs="" beat="" believe="" below="" best="" bicycle="" bicycles.="" bike="" bikes="" bottom="" bracket="" buyer="" c965="" cable="" can="" carton="" ce="" central="" certifications="" chain="" choice.="" choice="" choise.="" choose="" city="" class="img-fluid" climbing="" color="" colour="" communiting="" comparedwiththenormalversion="" contribution="" controller="" conversion="" cover1set="" cover="" cross="" cycling.="" cycling="" damage="" data="" days="" dedicated="" defect="" delivery="" designed="" dhl="" diameter.="" display="" double="" down="" drive="" e-cycles="" e="" eb-bus="" electric="" electricity="" eturn="" everyone="" exhilaration="" failure="" fat="" fault="" few="" fit="" focus="" for="" forest="" free="" fun="" gifts:="" guarantee.="" h="" he="" help="" hills="" hipping="" if="" ill="" img="" in.="" inside="" integrated="" interests="" ire="" is="" it="" items="" itself="" just="" kids="" kits="" layer="" lcd="" lever="" like="" list:="" looking="" magnet1set="" matter="" mentioning="" mid="" miss="" motor="" mountain="" my="" no="" not="" now="" of="" on="" one="" online="" only="" operatingtemperature="" or="" ou="" our="" out.="" packing="" pair="" parts="" pas="" personal="" pictures="" pleasesee="" policy="" postage.="" preference="" producing="" product="" products="" professionalism.no="" protector="" pulling="" random="" reason="" receipt="" reflect="" refund="" relative="" return="" riding="" road="" round="" s="" saltsparyteststandard="" screaming="" seller="" sensor="" series="" shell="" shipping="" shopwhich="" some="" src="https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1kEclRpXXXXb9XpXXq6xXFXXXj/230648190/HTB1kEclRpXXXXb9XpXXq6xXFXXXj.jpg?size=26286&height=415&width=800&hash=97933f02b140b269df7ef750c54247b2" started="" such="" tag="" that="" the="" there="" things="" throttle="" through="" ties="" tips:="" title="Clearance 2019 New Bafang Bbs02 Kit Ebike 36v500w 8fun/bafang Motor Bbs02b Crank Eletric Bike Kits electric bike conversion kit 0" to73mm="" to="" tool="" touring="" track="" trip="" tyre="" us:="" use.="" useful="" wall="" water-proof="" we="" wehavetwoadditionalconnectors:frontlampandgearsensor.="" what="" wheel="" whether="" why="" wide="" will="" with="" within="" worth="" year:we="" year="" ylon="" you="" young.="" your="">55>
Senin, 10 Februari 2020
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> 400w
Motor Type
Side Hung Motor
Brand Name
Bafang motor Model
Bafang Wattage
designed inside the motor
With an integrated speed sensor, this mid-drive motor, which is compatible with standard bikes, has a rated power of 500W, a reduction ratio of 1: 21.9 and a maximum torque of 80 N.m, providing ideal power for vehicles. Light but strong and efficient, this motor greatly enhances riding comfort and is suitable for touring bikes and commuter bikes. SPECIFICATIONS CoreData Function Position MidMotor E-Brake Yes WheelDiameter(Inch) Optional GearsensorFunction Yes Construction Geardrive LightDriveCapacity 6/3(max) RatedVoltage(DCV) 36/48 (DCV/W) n0(Rpm) 120/126 RatedPower(W) 500 FurtherSpecifications nT(Rpm) 113/118 SpeedDetectionSignal 1 MaxTorque 100N.m (Pulses/Cycle) Efficiency(%) ≥80 ReductionRatio 1:21.9 PedalSensor Speed MagnetPoles(2P) 16 ShaftStandard JIS Color Black Tests&Certifications Weight(kg) 4.3 IP IP65 NoiseGrade(dB) <55 -20-45="" 1.bafang="" 15="" 1="" 1pair="" 1pcs="" 1set="" 2.lcd="" 3.brake="" 35mm="" 4.thumb="" 44t="" 46tor="" 5.chain="" 5="" 6.crank="" 68mm="" 7.speed="" 8.1t4="" 850c="" 9.nuts="" 96="" a="" about="" acking="" all="" along="" alt="Clearance 2019 New Bafang Bbs02 Kit Ebike 36v500w 8fun/bafang Motor Bbs02b Crank Eletric Bike Kits electric bike conversion kit 0" and850c="" and="" anything="" are="" around="" arranty="" as="" base="" bbs="" beat="" believe="" below="" best="" bicycle="" bicycles.="" bike="" bikes="" bottom="" bracket="" buyer="" c965="" cable="" can="" carton="" ce="" central="" certifications="" chain="" choice.="" choice="" choise.="" choose="" city="" class="img-fluid" climbing="" color="" colour="" communiting="" comparedwiththenormalversion="" contribution="" controller="" conversion="" cover1set="" cover="" cross="" cycling.="" cycling="" damage="" data="" days="" dedicated="" defect="" delivery="" designed="" dhl="" diameter.="" display="" double="" down="" drive="" e-cycles="" e="" eb-bus="" electric="" electricity="" eturn="" everyone="" exhilaration="" failure="" fat="" fault="" few="" fit="" focus="" for="" forest="" free="" fun="" gifts:="" guarantee.="" h="" he="" help="" hills="" hipping="" if="" ill="" img="" in.="" inside="" integrated="" interests="" ire="" is="" it="" items="" itself="" just="" kids="" kits="" layer="" lcd="" lever="" like="" list:="" looking="" magnet1set="" matter="" mentioning="" mid="" miss="" motor="" mountain="" my="" no="" not="" now="" of="" on="" one="" online="" only="" operatingtemperature="" or="" ou="" our="" out.="" packing="" pair="" parts="" pas="" personal="" pictures="" pleasesee="" policy="" postage.="" preference="" producing="" product="" products="" professionalism.no="" protector="" pulling="" random="" reason="" receipt="" reflect="" refund="" relative="" return="" riding="" road="" round="" s="" saltsparyteststandard="" screaming="" seller="" sensor="" series="" shell="" shipping="" shopwhich="" some="" src="https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1kEclRpXXXXb9XpXXq6xXFXXXj/230648190/HTB1kEclRpXXXXb9XpXXq6xXFXXXj.jpg?size=26286&height=415&width=800&hash=97933f02b140b269df7ef750c54247b2" started="" such="" tag="" that="" the="" there="" things="" throttle="" through="" ties="" tips:="" title="Clearance 2019 New Bafang Bbs02 Kit Ebike 36v500w 8fun/bafang Motor Bbs02b Crank Eletric Bike Kits electric bike conversion kit 0" to73mm="" to="" tool="" touring="" track="" trip="" tyre="" us:="" use.="" useful="" wall="" water-proof="" we="" wehavetwoadditionalconnectors:frontlampandgearsensor.="" what="" wheel="" whether="" why="" wide="" will="" with="" within="" worth="" year:we="" year="" ylon="" you="" young.="" your="">55>
With an integrated speed sensor, this mid-drive motor, which is compatible with standard bikes, has a rated power of 500W, a reduction ratio of 1: 21.9 and a maximum torque of 80 N.m, providing ideal power for vehicles. Light but strong and efficient, this motor greatly enhances riding comfort and is suitable for touring bikes and commuter bikes. SPECIFICATIONS CoreData Function Position MidMotor E-Brake Yes WheelDiameter(Inch) Optional GearsensorFunction Yes Construction Geardrive LightDriveCapacity 6/3(max) RatedVoltage(DCV) 36/48 (DCV/W) n0(Rpm) 120/126 RatedPower(W) 500 FurtherSpecifications nT(Rpm) 113/118 SpeedDetectionSignal 1 MaxTorque 100N.m (Pulses/Cycle) Efficiency(%) ≥80 ReductionRatio 1:21.9 PedalSensor Speed MagnetPoles(2P) 16 ShaftStandard JIS Color Black Tests&Certifications Weight(kg) 4.3 IP IP65 NoiseGrade(dB) <55 -20-45="" 1.bafang="" 15="" 1="" 1pair="" 1pcs="" 1set="" 2.lcd="" 3.brake="" 35mm="" 4.thumb="" 44t="" 46tor="" 5.chain="" 5="" 6.crank="" 68mm="" 7.speed="" 8.1t4="" 850c="" 9.nuts="" 96="" a="" about="" acking="" all="" along="" alt="Clearance 2019 New Bafang Bbs02 Kit Ebike 36v500w 8fun/bafang Motor Bbs02b Crank Eletric Bike Kits electric bike conversion kit 0" and850c="" and="" anything="" are="" around="" arranty="" as="" base="" bbs="" beat="" believe="" below="" best="" bicycle="" bicycles.="" bike="" bikes="" bottom="" bracket="" buyer="" c965="" cable="" can="" carton="" ce="" central="" certifications="" chain="" choice.="" choice="" choise.="" choose="" city="" class="img-fluid" climbing="" color="" colour="" communiting="" comparedwiththenormalversion="" contribution="" controller="" conversion="" cover1set="" cover="" cross="" cycling.="" cycling="" damage="" data="" days="" dedicated="" defect="" delivery="" designed="" dhl="" diameter.="" display="" double="" down="" drive="" e-cycles="" e="" eb-bus="" electric="" electricity="" eturn="" everyone="" exhilaration="" failure="" fat="" fault="" few="" fit="" focus="" for="" forest="" free="" fun="" gifts:="" guarantee.="" h="" he="" help="" hills="" hipping="" if="" ill="" img="" in.="" inside="" integrated="" interests="" ire="" is="" it="" items="" itself="" just="" kids="" kits="" layer="" lcd="" lever="" like="" list:="" looking="" magnet1set="" matter="" mentioning="" mid="" miss="" motor="" mountain="" my="" no="" not="" now="" of="" on="" one="" online="" only="" operatingtemperature="" or="" ou="" our="" out.="" packing="" pair="" parts="" pas="" personal="" pictures="" pleasesee="" policy="" postage.="" preference="" producing="" product="" products="" professionalism.no="" protector="" pulling="" random="" reason="" receipt="" reflect="" refund="" relative="" return="" riding="" road="" round="" s="" saltsparyteststandard="" screaming="" seller="" sensor="" series="" shell="" shipping="" shopwhich="" some="" src="https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1kEclRpXXXXb9XpXXq6xXFXXXj/230648190/HTB1kEclRpXXXXb9XpXXq6xXFXXXj.jpg?size=26286&height=415&width=800&hash=97933f02b140b269df7ef750c54247b2" started="" such="" tag="" that="" the="" there="" things="" throttle="" through="" ties="" tips:="" title="Clearance 2019 New Bafang Bbs02 Kit Ebike 36v500w 8fun/bafang Motor Bbs02b Crank Eletric Bike Kits electric bike conversion kit 0" to73mm="" to="" tool="" touring="" track="" trip="" tyre="" us:="" use.="" useful="" wall="" water-proof="" we="" wehavetwoadditionalconnectors:frontlampandgearsensor.="" what="" wheel="" whether="" why="" wide="" will="" with="" within="" worth="" year:we="" year="" ylon="" you="" young.="" your="">55>
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